How to Apply for Summer Session

申请人必须填写暑期课程申请表并提交证明足够能力的文件. A completed application consists of a completed application form, an official academic transcript, and receipt of payment for course fees.

Current HMC Degree-Seeking Students

  1. HMC的学生可以在2024年3月18日开始注册暑期课程 Harvey Mudd College Portal.
  2. 符合条件的HMC学生可以通过2024年夏季经济援助申请表申请经济援助. More information for how to apply will be available in early 2024.
  3. Submit payment for course fees. Fees are due in full by May 6, 2024 for Session I, May 28, 2024 for Session II and June 14, 2024 for Session III courses. 在上述日期前未交足学费的学生将被取消课程. If you need an alternate payment arrangement (e.g.(付款计划),请在2024年4月19日星期五下午5点之前联系学生账户办公室. 在上述日期前未缴清全部学费的学生将被取消课程.



被其他认可的学院或大学录取的本科生和研究生, including the Claremont Colleges, are welcome to apply for admission to HMCs Summer Session program. Interested students should follow the following steps:

  1. Complete the Summer Session Application form. 迟到的注册可以考虑到课程开始前一周. 但是,必须在注册课程之前收到付款和所有所需的文件.
  2. Submit academic transcript:
    • 目前,克莱蒙特学院的入学学生不需要提交学业成绩单.
    • 所有其他学生必须以电子方式向注册办公室提交正式的学业成绩单 registrar@ycdwkj666.comor by mail to 301 Platt Blvd, Claremont, CA 91711. Electronic submission is preferred. 成绩单必须包括申请人在其本国机构的良好学术地位的注释. 在注册办公室确认收到正式成绩单并满足适用的先决条件之前,申请人将不会被录取.
    • 2024年秋季学期被克莱蒙特学院录取的学生将需要遵循“当前高中三年级(包括即将升学的三年级)和四年级”的说明。.
  3. Submit payment for course fees. Fees are due in full by May 6, 2024 for Session I, May 28, 2024 for Session II and June 14, 2024 for Session III courses. 在上述日期前未交足学费的学生将被取消课程.
  4. Submit a completed substitute W-9S form to the Office of Student Accounts by 5 p.m. on Thursday, May 2, 2024 for Session I, Thursday, May 23, 2024 for Session II and Tuesday, June 11, 2024 for Session III courses. 学生可将填妥的表格邮寄至HMC Student Accounts, 301 Platt Blvd., Claremont, CA 91711-5901, fax to 909.607.1027, or upload it directly. 未能在上述日期前提交表格,可能会导致被退学.

接受和参加HMC暑期课程不构成转入HMC任何学位课程的入学资格. 我们强烈建议学生提前与他们所在学院或大学的学术顾问核实,以确定太阳2平台的学分如何适用于他们当前的学位计划. 学位授予单位将决定该课程是否被接受.

Current High School Juniors (including rising juniors) and Seniors

欢迎高中三年级(和即将升学的三年级)和四年级学生申请参加hmc暑期班. Interested students should follow the following steps:

  1. Complete the Summer Session Application form. 迟到的注册可以考虑到课程开始前一周. 但是,必须在注册课程之前收到付款和所有所需的文件.
  2. 将正式成绩单邮寄至301 Platt Blvd注册主任办公室, Claremont, CA 91711, or electronically to 成绩单必须直接来自你的机构(HS申请人可以要求他们的顾问直接发送),并包括申请人在其本国机构的良好学术地位的注解. 被HMC录取的高中学生不需要重新提交成绩单. 在注册办公室确认收到正式成绩单并满足适用的先决条件之前,申请人将不会被录取;
  3. Submit payment for course fees. Fees are due in full by May 6, 2024 for Session I, May 28, 2024 for Session II and June 14, 2024 for Session III courses. 在上述日期前未交足学费的学生将被取消课程.
  4. Submit a completed substitute W-9S form to the Office of Student Accounts by 5 p.m. on Thursday, May 2, 2024 for Session I, Thursday, May 23, 2024 for Session II and Tuesday, June 11, 2024 for Session III courses. 学生可将填妥的表格邮寄至HMC Student Accounts, 301 Platt Blvd., Claremont, CA 91711-5901, fax to 909.607.1027, or upload it directly. 未能在上述日期前提交表格,可能会导致被退学.

Harvey Mudd does not consider “demonstrated interest” (e.g.,参观校园,参加暑期班,打电话或发邮件给招生人员等.) in making admission decisions to its degree program. Acceptance to, and participation in, 哈维马德的暑期课程不构成任何哈维马德学位课程的入学资格.

Adult Learners

欢迎成人学习者申请参加hmc暑期课程. Interested students should follow the following steps:

  1. Complete the Summer Session Application form. 迟到的注册可以考虑到课程开始前一周. 但是,必须在注册课程之前收到付款和所有所需的文件.
  2. Submit documentation demonstrating adequate competency. This can be done by providing an official high school transcript, GED, 或正式的大学成绩单通过邮寄到301普拉特大道注册办公室, Claremont, CA 91711, or electronically to 成绩单必须包括申请人在其本国机构的良好学术地位的注释. HMC graduates do not need to submit transcripts. 在注册办公室确认收到正式成绩单并满足适用的先决条件之前,申请人将不会被录取.
  3. Submit payment for course fees. Fees are due in full by May 6, 2024 for Session I, May 28, 2024 for Session II and June 14, 2024 for Session III courses. 在上述日期前未交足学费的学生将被取消课程.
  4. Submit a completed substitute W-9S form to the Office of Student Accounts by 5 p.m. on Thursday, May 2, 2024 for Session I, Thursday, May 23, 2024 for Session II and Tuesday, June 11, 2024 for Session III courses. 学生可将填妥的表格邮寄至HMC Student Accounts, 301 Platt Blvd., Claremont, CA 91711-5901, fax to 909.607.1027, or upload it directly. 未能在上述日期前提交表格,可能会导致被退学.

International Students

欢迎国际学生申请hmc暑期班项目. 请向您指定的学校官员查询任何可能影响您或您的身份的政策或程序.

  • 当前HMC和其他5C国际学生如果希望参加暑期课程,必须在前一学年在其所在机构注册. Current HMC students with J-1 or F-1 visas are encouraged to reach out to
  • 在其他认可的学院或大学录取的访问国际学生可以参加暑期班. 因为国际学生将同时在两所学校入学, HMC will not take on the I-20. Only their current Designated School Official would need to know;
  • HMC不支持来自本国的第一次参加面对面课程的国际学生,这将被视为他们在美国的第一学期. 对于只参加远程在线课程的学生,没有这样的限制.

Interested students should complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the Summer Session Application form. 迟到的注册可以考虑到课程开始前一周. 但是,必须在注册课程之前收到付款和所有所需的文件.
  2. Submit documentation demonstrating adequate competency. This can be done by providing an official high school transcript, GED, 或正式的大学成绩单通过邮寄到301普拉特大道注册办公室, Claremont, CA 91711, or electronically to 成绩单必须包括申请人在其本国机构的良好学术地位的注释. HMC graduates do not need to submit transcripts. 在注册办公室确认收到正式成绩单并满足适用的先决条件之前,申请人将不会被录取.
  3. Submit payment for course fees. Fees are due in full by May 6, 2024 for Session I, May 28, 2024 for Session II and June 14, 2024 for Session III courses. 在上述日期前未交足学费的学生将被取消课程.
  4. Submit a completed substitute W-9S form to the Office of Student Accounts by 5 p.m. on Thursday, May 2, 2024 for Session I, Thursday, May 23, 2024 for Session II and Tuesday, June 11, 2024 for Session III courses. 学生可将填妥的表格邮寄至HMC Student Accounts, 301 Platt Blvd., Claremont, CA 91711-5901, fax to 909.607.1027, or upload it directly. 未能在上述日期前提交表格,可能会导致被退学.
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